Like millions of other website owners, I use Google Analytics on bigpapafish.com. Google Analytics is a piece of software that grabs and collects data and information about my visitors (you). I want to very simply explain why I use it, and what exactly it means for you.
My goal is to be open, transparent and simple in my explanation. Ultimately, remember 3 things.
It's all anonymous. None of the data tells me your name, email address, or any other personally identifying information.
It helps me to know who comes to my site, how they got here and what they view before leaving.
It's completely optional. Opting out is quick, free and easy with a browser add-on available for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8-11, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera.
What does Google Analytics record?
What website you came from to get here.
How long you stay for.
What kind of computer, phone or tablet you’re using.
Your (general) geographic location.
Your (general) demographic information.
Other similar information.
What do I do with your data?
This tracking information allows me to better understand the kind of people who come to my site, what forms of advertising are helping people find me, and what they’re looking at while they're here. This (hopefully) can help me to market myself better, and introduce myself to more people online.
Occasionally, I will compile aggregate statistics about the number of visitors this site receives and browsers being used. Let me be clear - absolutely no personally identifying data is included in this type of reporting. When I pull reports from google I have no idea who you are.
All of my activity falls within the bounds of the Google Analytics Terms of Service.
Any of this make you uncomfortable?
Your particiption in Google Analytics is completely optional, and choosing not to provide data to me will not affect your experience on andyjacobsmusic.com in any way! Opting out is easy, quick and free. You can download a browser add-on to automatically opt out of Google’s advertising tracking cookie on every website you visit (including mine).
To download the add-on, click here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly and I'll do my best to help. Thank you for your time.
Updated 6 Nov 2015